Lvl 11
UptownCheese 7 years ago
Originally posted by ATL_Thrashers17
You could just stay away from this website if it upsets you so much.

Is it degrading for a female to cum on a man's face? Happens to me a lot. I had no idea I was being treated so poorly by my partner.

No one ever accused you of being smart. Ho Ho Ho
Lvl 16
cantstopcreepin 7 years ago
Originally posted by scramasax
Nope! I think not. Nul Points - if I could score that low! I think she is very pretty, and also very young. She doesn't think much of this, and neither do I! It's disgusting and degrading. What are you going to do next? Allow her to piss on your face? Or maybe drink it? I doubt it!

You could just stay away from this website if it upsets you so much.

Is it degrading for a female to cum on a man's face? Happens to me a lot. I had no idea I was being treated so poorly by my partner.
Lvl 11
UptownCheese 7 years ago
Girls will do anything and usually for the wrong reasons
Lvl 15
scramasax 7 years ago
Nope! I think not. Nul Points - if I could score that low! I think she is very pretty, and also very young. She doesn't think much of this, and neither do I! It's disgusting and degrading. What are you going to do next? Allow her to piss on your face? Or maybe drink it? I doubt it!
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