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Lvl 9
oldtimes 2 years ago
good girls go everywhere
Lvl 30
pdxal 8 years ago
Originally posted by pamattie
That is because i share this site with my brother (save money). We have an agreement. Only I do comments and only he does "favorites". Simple as that.

Sharing a porn account with your brother is messed up.
MrSpumonte, EvilEd1 find this awesome.
Lvl 95
mikeyeven 9 years ago
The look on her face suggests this might not have been such a good idea
doolittle finds this awesome.
Lvl 23
pamattie 9 years ago
That is because i share this site with my brother (save money). We have an agreement. Only I do comments and only he does "favorites". Simple as that.
Lvl 48
avalon888 9 years ago
I would like to see a pic of you doing it. you might be the one with the fantasy. we haven't seen any action shots. you may be giving valuable advice to these novices. on how to enjoy themselves more. had a look at the first 20 pages of your favourites,, not one black man pic, just women ,,and lesbian action,,, very odd !!!!
Paige80, mikeyeven, EvilEd1 find this awesome.
Lvl 23
pamattie 9 years ago
I can't think of too many things I love more on this earth than getting DP'd by black men. I love that position. She needs to just lay back and relax. She must be new to this. She'll get the hang of it. After all, with the size of black men's cocks, it does indeed take some getting use to. I particularly like a third or a fourth black guy helping to hold my arms back and placing his cock in my mouth, all at the same time as 2 black cocks are working their magic on me. I really would like to see a pic of her after doing this a few times. I bet she will be looking entirely different.
EvilEd1 finds this awesome.
Lvl 15
Genuine002 9 years ago
Can you say 'cocaine'
mcmillan, pdxal find this awesome.
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Published 9 years ago
Uploaded by REDLABELX
Dimensions 800 600
Category Amateur Porn
Views 2222
Comments 7
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