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Lvl 48
avalon888 9 years ago
very experienced woman .'' I wish you had told me you had such a small organ ''
man.''i didn't know I would be performing in a cathedral''
doolittle, pdxal, mikeyeven find this awesome.
Lvl 23
pamattie 9 years ago
This is what white women want to feel, a very large cock inside of them. Hence, that is why almost all white women fantasize about and are chasing after black men. It is to be able to experience their large cocks, their sexuality. look at this picture..... you can see, the larger the cock the more amazing the feelings. So when you see so many white women enthralled and obsessed over black men, it is because they are longing for their cocks. Plain and simple. You go, Girl! Enjoy that feeling!
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Published 9 years ago
Uploaded by youknowwhatiwant
Dimensions 893 649
Category Amateur Porn
Views 1040
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