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Lvl 59
Slacker28 9 months ago
Fuck her hard
Lvl 60
kylecook 11 years ago
Originally posted by firereign
unprotected sex is just a gamble with anyone, but with a black male it's even more risky and dangerous.

"According to the Centers for Disease Control, while African Americans account for 13 percent of the nation’s population, they continue to account for a higher proportion of cases of HIV/AIDS compared with other races and ethnicity. Blacks account for about half (49 percent of people who become infected with HIV and AIDS). The CDC also states that approximately 41 percent of men living with HIV/AIDS are black."

My source

Well. Sources aside, this is a pretty racist statement.
Lvl 53
AnalAndi 13 years ago
Well, i use a condom and join them..
Lvl 6
klitman 13 years ago
Pamattie you forgot to mention the other feet at the top of the pic. There's the line up.

As for black males being risky, I heard that some of that data comes from public records, as more black males go to public clinics. Other ethnic groups tend to go to private doctors who are not obliged to share patient information.

In all, my advice is to choose to be w. someone whom you know from significant encounters (work, hobbies, friends of trusted friends). I know that I've been propositioned for just that reason. And always get tested. Again, always get tested. No papers. No sex.
Lvl 22
Firereign 13 years ago
unprotected sex is just a gamble with anyone, but with a black male it's even more risky and dangerous.

"According to the Centers for Disease Control, while African Americans account for 13 percent of the nation’s population, they continue to account for a higher proportion of cases of HIV/AIDS compared with other races and ethnicity. Blacks account for about half (49 percent of people who become infected with HIV and AIDS). The CDC also states that approximately 41 percent of men living with HIV/AIDS are black."

My source
Lvl 23
pamattie 13 years ago
She is so lucky. 2 black guys at once! Bet that is a dream come true for her. I know it was for me. Now, I do it all the time. Can't get enough of the big black ones. The guy on the right looks like he is really big!
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