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The Avatar Source Picture thread.

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 12 years ago Views: 10.7K
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Lvl 59
Here's the deal, kids.

I, like many of you, I'm sure, get the relatively frequent question, "Hey, who is that girl in your avatar?" or, "Can you send me the links to that girl in your avatar?" or "Hey, why are you so sexy and not me?"

And so I figure we could use a thread like this to answer two of those questions. You'll have to figure out which.

Here's how it's going to go down.

You post the avatar in question, and then you can post the picture or picture series from which you got that avatar. And everyone is happy and gets to see all the cool shit you did to the original picture and how awesome your photoshop skills are and all that.

Plus, when people ask, instead of having to scour your labyrinthine photo archives, you can just point them here. And a good time was had by all.
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 59
So, I figure I should start us off.

Here's my current avatar, and the source picture:


Source Picture:

Lvl 59
As I find them, I'll post some of my 'greatest hits' here too...the most requested avatars I've had over the last year or two.
Lvl 59
The Floating Girl, from a few months back:

Lvl 59
And the old girl-changing-clothes one.



Lvl 59
Current avatar:

Original Picture:

Lvl 22
I didn't know when I sent you that pic you would go all avy on it?

Fine then
Lvl 59
Summertime Avy:


Lvl 21
The Avatar

And the orignal.

Lvl 59

For this avatar:



Lvl 59
Hey, look at that. Both our avatars are topless-in-jeans shots. They're almost identical!
uhhh...mines in a skirt. Sheesh.
Lvl 59
A jean skirt. Same thing, only a different length.
Mine also has way nicer boobs.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Sugarpie

Mine also has way nicer boobs.


Lvl 28
I'm proud of that avy
Lvl 59

Lvl 14
my favorite lesbian.

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