Score: 4.64 Votes: 14
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Rate the Avatar of the Person Above You - Part: # 12515456

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 15 years ago Views: 17.5K
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Lvl 11
9/10 Side boob is always good.
Lvl 38
Nice job 8.5/10
Lvl 25
I really like this one, the colors on the text match really well with the image, and it's a nice picure. 9/10
Lvl 38
Very well done, font colors match image well. 9.5/10
Lvl 11
You have to admire a nice old school pic!,8/10
Lvl 22
I don't get it? just why ? 5/10 (is that britney?)
Lvl 38
Indy is awesome and that is a very cool Avy... You have been using it quite a while though so you those a point for that.

Lvl 15
That one is very sexy and cool at the same time...great work ! 9/10
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Notech

I don't get it? just why ? 5/10 (is that britney?)
What Don't You Get??
Nice Avy,9/10
Lvl 21
cute girl 8/10
Lvl 59
Boo. Hairy. 3/10
Lvl 21
Originally posted by EricLindros

Boo. Hairy. 3/10
Lvl 38
extra credit for being the first avy you made yourself 8.5/10
Lvl 10
Lvl 11
a pic with a bit of nakedness would be way better!,6/10
Lvl 38
This one has nice style to it. 8.5/10
Lvl 25
Nicely done, I like the bullet holes in the background and the name matches pretty well - 9/10
Lvl 11
Very fancy name. Looks good with the picture. The girl is worth mentioning too with her nice body. - 9/10
Lvl 11
Lvl 10
I prefer the older one's you had made

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