Score: 4.64 Votes: 14
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Rate the Avatar of the Person Above You - Part: # 12515456

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 15 years ago Views: 17.5K
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Lvl 11
I like it 9/10
Lvl 22
Great lady, poor pic (and No name) 3.5/10

(even I can add text)

(keep working on it friend)
Lvl 37
Whoevah designed your avy had his head up his ass.

I rekkin that's what happened to it.

Lvl 38
Classic Avy....


Threadkiller beat me too it... 10 for notech....

9/10 for threadkiller
Lvl 30
As always, a top avy from one of the Avy Masters. 10/10
Lvl 37
Isn't there a thread about this in the Lounge

Lvl 5
7 of ten cool but no girl
Lvl 4
Animal Cruelty.

I'll give it a 5 because its a yank and yanks got the bad habit of nuke people making fun of them
Lvl 22
I see no forcing the dude to do that, looks like a friend thing!

(I'd nuke you but you're to close to home)

anyway, small avy,hot topic 5.5/10

(no, I didn't make mine, Honda did!)
Lvl 37
I know, just messin widja


Careful FeFe made my avy...
Lvl 22
(nuff said)

I liked your xmas avy better,

and because I know you can do better...6.5/10 (newer)
Lvl 28
Amazing 10/10
Lvl 20
Is that Avril??
Lvl 12
always liked comics (especially sexy ones)!!! 8/10
Lvl 28
@habfan: Totally brah.

Above..Kinda cool..trying something. Solid 7.7/10 brah.

Although at first glance how the leg is situated and stuff, it kinda looks a bit like a penis. Just, a bit.
Lvl 7
9/10 for Avril ^
Just a shame she doesn't look as nice without the loads of makeup
*if you haven't looked it up.. DONT because you will be scarred*

<< Ok, I'm happy with this one
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 38
kind of small and no name....

Lvl 9
7/10 It would make a good recruitment poster!
Weird, and therefore pretty cool. 8/10
Lvl 13
Your Ron Jeremy meets Woody Harrelson look-a-like is hawt. And you dare to go bare (on top at least) But as an avatar... hmm. I do find is strangely appropriate for this forum.

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