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Me again

Starter: ellen84 Posted: 2 years ago Views: 6.4K
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Lvl 27
I'm not a "fan" of hairy women, it is ok because everyone should look like she wants to but I've always been a fan of Ellen. You still rock my little lady
Sinom, Diz-X, babeologist, strictguy find this awesome.
Lvl 12
kowman, [Deleted], Schimi, Bolo90 and 9 other(s) find this awesome.
You look so beautiful and natural. Thanks for the pics. Keep it up.
Sinom, babeologist find this awesome.
Gorgeous body Ellen! Love your legs and ass.
babeologist finds this awesome.
Lvl 12
Bolo90, kowman, babeologist, m3nutter and 8 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 17
Your body is wanderful magic. Like fresh air
babeologist finds this awesome.
Lvl 17
5/5 very well!!!
Lvl 4
Thanks Ellen! Thoroughly enjoyed those
Lvl 8
Originally posted by ellen84
Everyone is allowed their opinion. Lack of courtesy and respect is another matter. Saying "I prefer shaved" is not the same as "shave that." If you don't understand the difference, you have a problem Mr. Psychological Analyst.

I understand the difference and I agree with you on the respect part, some people are rude or to lazy to communicate their opinion properly. But as I said before everyone has different opinions and they are all valid..
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Sumo999
I understand the difference and I agree with you on the respect part, some people are rude or to lazy to communicate their opinion properly. But as I said before everyone has different opinions and they are all valid..

I never said an opinion was not valid. Rudeness is unacceptable.
Lvl 12
cjr5347, suendenpfuhl, kowman, m3nutter and 5 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 12
More? Tell me what you like.
Bolo90, Sinom find this awesome.
Lvl 12
I assume that the lack of response means no more interest...

So the pictures end here.
* This post has been modified : 2 years ago
cartoon8, dogdude, Bolo90, MaxQuad find this awesome.
Lvl 17
I like that, and i like your ass. Shes very delicies
Sinom finds this awesome.
Lvl 14
You are obviously very beautiful Ellen...God bless you and your beautiful body sincerely..
Sinom finds this awesome.
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